To Teal, Pistachio and Gerberas

Q:  Two things that you love about her
A:  She is kind and considerate

Q:  Two things that you love about him
A:  He is kind and considerate

23 days ago, when asked this question, they responded with the same words. with almost the same words.  She also knew that THAT would be his answer to that question – that he loved her because she was is kind and considerate.  They had dated for four years.  They had known each other for longer.  And so the stories went … from three o’clock one sunny Saturday afternoon, to eight o’clock that evening.

2 days ago, this story continued to unfold when a beautiful bride smiled her way down the aisle.  In equal and opposite fashion, he smiled back, obviously spellbound by this ravishing beauty who would become his wife. For years he had waited.  Four years he had worked.  For four years, he had wooed her with his quiet authority, his big heart and the fact that his friendship was unassuming and unpretentious.

As J* once said (in not quite the same words), you can judge the character of a man by the number of men he can convince to wear pink gerberas.  There were four of them – and each of them wore that pink gerbera with pride.

Mr and Mrs Rob, I could have asked for no better way to spend my Saturday.  Thank you for inviting me to work with your team, and for daring to dream for me.  Mrs. Rob, you are now officially family and I thank God for the before – when we set our own foundation of friendship.  For the now, when you grow into the wife that my cousin always dreamed you would be.  And for the tomorrow – when your dreams blossom into things that are bigger and better than yourselves.

God sets the lonely in families, and I’m glad that in His wisdom, He set you two together.  As you set off on this new journey, may you find reasons to celebrate each sunrise and time to welcome each sunset.  May the days you spend together grow into years, and years into decades.

Mr and Mrs Rob, the last six months have taught me many things – including the meanings of the words teal, pistachio and gerberas.  I look forward to many more lessons, and to many more reasons to celebrate style, and colour and friendship!

Happy honeymooning!

Love and best wishes always
Wa Makeri

About Wa Makeri

Living Life. Loving It.

7 responses to “To Teal, Pistachio and Gerberas

  1. Ciiku

    Awww.. I shed a tear! OK, I almost shed a tear!
    So sweet.

    Hope they get to read this!

  2. gerbera

    Awwwwwwwwww…….. i have actually shed TEARS! I’m speechless!!!!

    I love you SIL!!!

    And…LOL@ the men wearing pink gerberas- i hadn’t thought of it that way- ha ha haaa!

    • I love you too, SIL!

      The thoughts about the pink gerberas are not mine – but I thought they were good thoughts and I could use ’em. 🙂

      Welcome back!

      • colour your world


        Wa Makeri….this is WOW… here I am thinking you are in the wrong profession but yet again you are great at your profession too.

        Not being too sentimental…but hey you blew me away with this one… we usually say…GOOD JOB !!!

      • Hehehe.

        Thanks dear … and every word of this is true. Congratulations and may God bless you both on this phenomenal journey that you so beautifully began.

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